Leadership and Individual Development

Vice Provost of Academic Affairs in VinUniversity, Professor David Harrison has given much profound knowledge and deep insight on “Leadership and Individual Development.” Since he has many experiences in this domain, let’s see what he recommends the must-read information on the two sections: Latest Highlights and Foundational Knowledge during this month. Enjoy your reading, my fellows!

Leadership and Individual Development
David Harrison
Leadership, Individual Development, Interpersonal skills
“For the human species to evolve, the conversation must deepen.” -- Margaret Mead “We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.” -- Mary Catherine Bateson

Hosted by David Harrison

Prof. Harrison has spent many years exploring the world’s endangered languages and cultures, to better understand human potential and expertise. He earned his M.A. and PhD at Yale University. He is a National Geographic Society Explorer and a Fellow of the Explorer’s Club. He served as Associate Provost and Professor of Linguistics and Cognitive Science Swarthmore College. Prof. Harrison is also a filmmaker, appearing in the Emmy-nominated film “The Linguists”, and in short films. His book “When Languages Die” was published by Oxford Univ. Press, and has been translated into Arabic and Spanish. His research has been covered in The Economist, Science, Nature, the New York Times, and elsewhere. He has received major grants to conduct researchin the Arctic, the South Pacific, and many points in between, visiting the world’s dazzling cultures and asking “what can we learn from them?”

Leadership, Individual Development, Interpersonal skills
“For the human species to evolve, the conversation must deepen.” -- Margaret Mead “We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.” -- Mary Catherine Bateson

Latest Highlights

Imagine that you are standing under a great waterfall, thirsty, and hoping to collect water, but all you have is a teaspoon. As the flow of water rushes past, you collect a few drops. This is how we all feel living in this accelerated information age. Knowledge advances so rapidly that it’s impossible to keep up with the thousands of new books, seminars, and lectures published each year. We may feel we are missing out, left behind, uninformed. On this website, I will brief you on some key new developments, trends, and recommended practices, with helpful pointers to more information. You can sample it in small amounts, and come back later for more.

What Leaders Get Wrong Abour Resilience
Editor(s): Danielle D. King and Megan R. McSpedon
First published: 2022
Category: Online Article
Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?
Editor(s): Abraham Zaleznik
First published: 2004
Category: Online Article
Leader as Coach
Editor(s): Herminia Ibarra and Anne Scoular
First published: 2019
Category: Online Article

Leader as Coach

Leadership Personal development

Foundational Knowledge

In any field, there are classic ideas that everyone should know about. For example Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection (1859), or Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity (1915), or Marie Curie’s discovery of radioactivity (1896). While not new or even current, these ideas are critical to know because they laid the foundation for many discoveries that came later. They represent an entry point, not the final conclusion. In this section, I briefly review some of these foundational ideas, taken from many different times and places. No single culture has a monopoly on human genius, and so it is important to look across many eras and societies to appreciate the knowledge that has been contributed.

Leadership that Gets Results
Editor(s): Daniel Goleman
First published: 2000
Category: Article
Why Scientist should have leadership skills?
Editor(s): Rowan Brookes, Bob Wong, and Susie Ho
First published: 2017
“Teaching Critical Thinking: Some lessons from Cognitive Science “
Editor(s): Tim van Gelder
First published: 2005
What Makes a Global Leader?
Editor(s): Knowledge at Wharton Staff
First published: 2007
The Greatest Salesman in the World
Editor(s): Og Mandino
First published: 1983
Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership
Editor(s): Benjamin Palmer et al.
First published: 2001
Category: Research Article
Leading by feel
Editor(s): Harvard Business Review
First published: 2004
Category: Online Article
How will you measure your life?
Editor(s): Clayton M. Christensen
First published: 2010
Category: Online Article
The Greatest Salesman in the World
Editor(s): Og Mandino
First published: 1983
“Ikigai”—Life worth living from a Japanese perspective
Editor(s): Puigcerver, et al.
First published: January 1, 2018