Emotions are an extremely valuable component of every human’s existence. In this article, Berit Brogaard issued two contradicting study claims about emotions in January 2020. The first one is that many characteristics of emotions differ among cultures as evidenced by the various acts people perform in reaction to emotions, what causes emotions differs among cultures, the way the body responds physiologically when understanding an emotion differs and whether or not we can experience a certain emotion is influenced by society. In contrast to the above viewpoint, the reason why people from different cultures experience diverse emotions in comparable ways was proved through an examination of 13 emotions across 45 individuals from 15 different nations which revealed that emotions are consistently communicated through body experiences. To sum up, while this article provides two diverse viewpoints on emotional experience across cultures, we may nevertheless integrate them to generate hypotheses or do research on people’s emotions. People can benefit from knowing about diverse cultures and lifestyles. This will be extremely beneficial when we apply it to many facets of our lives to understand people and make sound judgments.