At the beginning of the Lunar year, I would like to take the time to write for our community the Book Review - Life After College. A book in the New York Times Bestseller group selected by Alphabook for publication that parents and students should read. According to author Selingo, the bad news is that a college degree is not a guaranteed ticket to a job, even if it is a Harvard degree. The good news is that a good college can increase your chances of graduating and finding a job many times over. Selingo classifies bachelors into 3 groups: Sprinters: 100% of this group will have a good job after graduation. These are very determined and proactive students, who have absolutely clear goals, work hard while studying, and arrange their time to graduate on time at all costs. 79% have at least 1 quality corporate internship; 64% are sure about their chosen major. Participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, and projects intentionally. Wanderers: this group can be very intelligent, and full of ideas, but dreamy and uncertain. Considering university as a place to explore the world, students will receive many unrelated jobs, participate in many exchange periods, study many interesting subjects, and change majors regularly. They value diverse experiences and often need a lot of time to shape their career direction. More than 50% of these people will not want to find a job after graduation, they can continue to adventure. Stragglers: this is a group that has difficulty and is indecisive in making career decisions. They feel uncertain about their direction and hesitate when applying for a job. 77% are not interested in corporate internships. 55% feel uncertain about their chosen major. More than 50% of this group will be unemployed, or have to accept simple, low-paying, unrelated jobs. Selingo also said that the economy needs and businesses want graduates who are proactive, courageous, can face adversity, and have skills, intelligence, and thinking. Clearly, this is a group of Sprinters people. Many useful things in the book have been applied at VinUni. #1. AACC comprehensive admission formula, especially values candidates with ambition, bravery, and the will to overcome difficulties. #2. Students are required to be trained in critical thinking, skills, outlook on life and especially the IKIGAI philosophy of life in liberal education before studying professionally. #3.Internship, internship, internship - especially at reputable businesses, international corporations, and dynamic startups. #4.Relationships, relationships, relationships - especially with committed friends, successful businessmen, excellent experts, and wise teachers. There are many good and interesting things that parents and children can find in this book. Enjoy! PS: The most interesting thing is that the environment and personal will can influence the Wanderer group to become the Sprinter group, and after 5-10 years this group can completely have a slightly slow but epic career 💕 .